Lake Erie Advocates

Formerly Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie (ACLE)
Get Involved!
Lake Erie Advocates meets monthly, open to the public, every fourth Wednesday at Grace Lutheran Church, 4441 Monroe St., Toledo.

Thank you to our generous supporters who helped make our billboard campaign a success!

Don't Wait for the Next Meeting! Contact YOUR Local Officials Today!
Ask them why they aren't doing something about our water crisis! Is it OK with them that untreated animal urine and feces, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and viruses - with as much Phosphorus as the combined human populations of Ohio, Indiana, Chicago and Atlanta - is being spread on fields that drain into our drinking water? That's acceptable?!?
Call, E-mail, and Write your Local Representatives to insist they support a ban on factory "farms!" Below are a few names to get you started.
Sen. Rob Portman
37 W. Broad St.
Columbus OH43215
Sen. Sherrod Brown
200 N. High St. #614
Columbus OH 43215
Gov. Mike DeWine
Riffe Center 30th Fl.
77 S. High St.
Columbus OH 43215
Rep. Robert Latta
800-278-8203 (fax)
800-541-6446 (phone)
Join a Committee
How to actually do something for Lake Erie.
Donate the most precious thing you have: your time. Thank you!
1. Action
Contact Sue Carter
Our action committee puts together local events to raise awareness, educate the public and urge officials to take action to protect our drinking water! Get involved to help plan events, notify members of opportunities, and join us in demonstrations, fundraisers, and LEA events!
2. Communications
Contact Mike Ferner
Our communications committee writes press releases for the news media and email bulletins to people on our mailing list. We would like to do more with social media.
3. Policy and Legislation
Contact Marj Mulcahy
The Policy and Legislation Committee educates elected officials, attends meetings to ask questions and get support for an impaired watershed.
4. Outreach/Scheduling
Contact Libby Marsh
Outreach works to create partnerships with local organizations that would like to support our efforts or host a presentation. Scheduling handles all LEA presentation events and questions. Contact Libby Marsh if your group wants to schedule a presentation.